Friday, July 31, 2009

The True Church

Do we need to go to church to obtain Salvation?

yes, we sure do. Because:

The church is the Bride of Jesus

The relationship between God and us is described as a couple, a bride and her bridegroom. Jesus is, of course, the Bridegroom, and we, (both guys and girls, Haha) are the Bride.and this "we" refers to the Church. The Church is the Bride of Jesus.

Eph5:24-25,32; Rev 19:7,9

The church is the House of Jesus

Those who don't belong to this House of Jesus, how are they to belong to the Home above?
1Tim3:15, Eph2:17-19
The church is the Kingdom of God
the Kingdom of God is only for her residents, the people that belong there.
In other words, those who don't belong there, don't have a residence in there.
The church is the Stairway to Kingdom of Heaven
Gen28:12-17, Jn 1:51, Eph 1: 22-23
Going to church on Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments
Since Sabbath Day is to be kept holy, and stated in the Ten Commandments,
who are we to dare go against it?
Let's be meek and always attend Sabbath Services,
For the Father is surely awaiting there in church to bless us.

Requirements that a True Church should satisfy:
a) possession of the Truth (1Tim3:15)
b) possession of miracles (Mk16:20)
c) possession of the Holy Spirit (Rom8:9, Eph1:13)

One God, one Truth, One Church, One Baptism, One Vine, One Body, One Bride...
All these contribute to the One church that Jesus acknowledges,
the church that obeys completely the Words of God.
Her doctrines are in full accordance with the Bible.
The True Jesus Church, therefore, is not a false church,
she offers 100% assurance of one's path to take to enter Salvation,
for the church has fulfilled all the 3 requirements stated above.

21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Let's begin to make a change in our life,
to allow Jesus to come into our hearts,

and bless us
and protect us
and make us His children,
to receive the Greatest gift in all the worlds,

Our inheritance in Heaven
God bless.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mark 9:24

The father instantly cried out,"I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!"

This is one of the verses in Mark that I find very interesting. It's something that I can't fully understand but I can somehow relate to. The father referred to here is the father of a demon possessed child that though after many exorcisms couldn't be cured. Jesus' followers tried and failed even. Soon, they asked for Jesus himself to expel the demon but before doing so, he chided them. The father's reply to the chide was such.

Many a time in our life we may find that, oh right, I do believe in Jesus. We say we have faith but, do we really? Deep down we all have doubts, and technically speaking, how can you have faith if you have doubts? Yet somehow it still happens. This man however [completely my point of view, hoping anyone would correct if possible] was aware of this, and at that moment, he seized the opportunity to ask Jesus to help him overcome his doubts.

But, I'm also wondering... the father said he believed right? So how can there be unbelief in his heart? (comments would be appreciated)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our Greatest Enemy: Not the Devil, but the Amalekites 我们最大的敌人:不是魔鬼,而是亚玛力人

"There they come, the Amalekites,
with a call for a battle against us, here in the land of Reph'idim. What are we to do, Moses?!"

Fear swirled up in the hearts of the Israelites as the enemies approached closer and closer.
"Joshua, choose for us men, and go out, fight with Amalek; tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand."
in a voice that sparked no fear but only authority and confidence, Moses commanded Joshua, and Joshua did as he said.

Sounds of ferocious battle cries and swords-clashing dominated the land of Reph'idim,
bathing the land in blood and scent of many deaths.
Moses, Aaron and Hur scrambled up the hill,
gaining a perfect view of the battlefield from that high plane.
The Power of the Almighty Commander, the Lord was now manifested,
whenever Moses held up his hand,
the victory fell to the Israelites.
Soon, Moses' hands grew tired, and were let down,
the Israelites were slain and slaughtered, revealing a sign of obvious defeat.
Swiftly, Aaron and Hur placed a stone for Moses to sit, and lifted up his hands, till Sundown.
Joshua mowed down the Amalekites with the edge of the sword.
Victory belonged to the Israelites, and the Lord uttered these words to Moses,
"... that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven!"
Story Elaborated from Exodus 17:8 - 15
God wanted to annihilate all Amalekites, but why did God seem so ruthless to this particular race? Gen36:12 states that this race of Amalek was no ordinary people, they were descendants of Esau, who sold his birthright to satisfy his fleshly desires.
Esau - the Bible describes him as a man submitted to his fleshly desires and lust.
the Amalekites - illustrated as a people of craftiness and deceitfulness who always warred against the Israelites; related to Esau, related to fleshly desires.

The Amalekites prefigure a perpetual enemy of a greater threat
to us than the devil, ---- fleshly desires and lust inside ourselves!
An enemy greater than the Devil,
oh dear,
how are we to destroy it then?

In fact, the answer lies in the story above, too!
The story itself prefigures a way for us to defeat our own fleshly desires:
  1. at first, Moses told Joshua to choose men to fight... This is an action of a systematic strategy-planning. A systematic life cultivates a good character in our life of faith.
  2. Moses held the rod of God --- This shows that Moses persisted in his faith towards the rod (power promised by God), that is God's Words. Key to Victory against our fleshly desires is to hold firm to God's Words.
  3. Moses was on the hill to gain a clear view and he saw everything ahead of him. Standing on spiritual high grounds, gaining a perfect sight to know our enemies and ourselves well.
  4. Hands up = victory; Hands down = Defeat --- why did God want Moses to undergo such big deal of trouble before gaining triumph? In fact, this signifies Prayer. Prayer = victory; NO prayer = defeat
  5. Aaron and Hur supported Moses --- Spiritual Partners are important in spiritual battles

Sabbath sermon in GombakTjc 18/7/09
God bless
[出埃及记 17:8-15]

神要消灭所有亚玛力人。为什么神对这个种族那么残忍呢?创36:12 说到亚玛力不是平凡人,他们是以扫的子孙,就是那为了满足自己肉体的情欲而把长子名份卖掉的人。
以扫- 是一位服从肉体情欲的人。



1) [出17:9] 摩西吩咐约书亚去选人出来和亚玛力人争战。这是一个有规律的策略计划。在信心的生活中,有规律的人生能培养出一个好特性
2)[出17:9] 摩西拿着神的仗——摩西对神的仗坚持着他的信心,神的仗=神的力量,神的话。得胜的钥匙就是神的话,我们当紧紧地握着神的话。
3)[出17:9] 摩西站在山顶上为了能清楚地看到整个战场。——站在属灵高原以得到完美的视野,了解到敌人和自己。
4)[出17:11] 举手=得胜,垂手=失败!——祷告=得胜,没祷告=失败。
5)[出17:12] 亚伦与户珥扶着摩西的手。——属灵同伴在我们属灵争战中非常重要。


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Apologetics Episode 3 Holy Spirit

"...the prayer was gonna end. The ministers were all returning to their seats. The preacher, too, would have to return to the pulpit soon; but before that, he came to me and laid hands on me again, asking me to be more fervent.

With all my might i prayed, and... all of a sudden, a strange movement emerged and manipulated my tongue, it drove my tongue rolling with sounds. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks. 'YOU RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT!' exclaimed the preacher, and confirmed it with other ministers. Vision blurred with hot tears, I joyously reminded myself, 'GOD DIDN'T FORSAKE ME! GOD DIDN'T FORSAKE ME!' ...
From then on, I began a new life." testimony from HolySpiritMonthly
Dreams do come true!
For God will never make empty promises. The Holy Spirit is promised to be poured on those who beseech Him. In God's time the Spirit will descend on us and experience what this brother experienced. According to his testimony in Holy Spirit Monthly, he prayed earnestly for the Holy Spirit since young, but most of the time prayers ended with disappointment; it was after his marriage only he received the Holy Spirit.

To all who have not received the Holy Spirit, let's not be discouraged, but strive forward with hope and faith in the promise of the Living God. God will not let us down.

Holy Spirit
To a non-TJC-member/truthseekers/non-believer,
it's only normal for them to have a big question mark in their head
about the whole miraculous incident.
The Holy Spirit is the promised gift from Jesus
on everyone who believes in Jesus.
In book of Acts, many received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.
Hence, speaking in tongues is the evidence
to manifest that one has obtained the Holy Spirit.
However, there are christian denominations
which do not agree with us on this. Some of their arguments are as follows:
1. Most christian denominations persist in their belief that when one believes in Jesus, then he "automatically" receives the Holy Spirit right away.
2. Speaking in tongues is not necessary for Salvation. It is just one of the many gifts of God.
Hence, we do not need to speak in tongues.
3. The bible clearly states that tongues would cease in 1Cor 13:10, this proves that tongues are not necessary. (some deny tongues exist)
4. Some argue, tongues are just human languages. On Pentacost Day, they spoke in other tongues which they never learned. It was a miracle to establish the Gospel at that period of time.
Dear followers and Authors, let's make an effort to give these questions their answers from a biblical perspective in Comment. Thanks for the effort.
If any reader does not find the doctrine of the church and her explanations satisfiable, please leave us a comment and allow us to explain more. Your patience appreciated.
God bless.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

新约概论之马可福音 Gospel of Mark

Author: Mark (There is no official record of the Author's name)
Time taken: 48 - 52 years (Mk 13:2)

a) intentionally written for the Gentiles (5: 41; 7: 2-4; 11; 34)
b) Description of Jesus ---- as a servant (Description of Jesus as a bull, working non-stopped)
c) No records of Jesus' birth and young life

1. Working constantly and tirelessly

2. Towards the Holy City
- Jesus foretold of His death
- Entering into Jerusalem

3. Final Portion
- Into the Holy City (11: 11)
- Process of Prosecution (14: 53 - 15: 26)
- Crucifixion (15: 21 - 15: 47)

4. Resurrection (begins from Chapt 16)

作者: 马可 (原稿没作者名)
时间: 48~52年 [可13:2]


a) 对象是外帮人 [5:41; 7:2-4; 11; 34]

b) 笔下的耶稣——仆人 (形容耶稣像只牛,每天工作)

c) 没记耶稣童年期


1. 常常工作 (1:35; 2:1,18; 3:31; 4:35; 6:47; 8:1; 9......etc.)

2. 走向圣城 (8:31~11:11)

  • 预言自己死 [8:31; 9:31]
  • 前往圣城 [10:1,32,46; 11]

3. 最后的阶段 (11:11~16章)

  • 返入圣城 [11:11]
  • 受窜过程 [14:53~15:26]
  • 钉十字架 [15:21~15:47]

4. 复活 (16章开始)


新约概论之马太福音 Gospel of Matthew

Author: Matthew (Mk 2:14-original name of Mathew was "Levi", a tax collector)

Date of publication: AD 60-70 (Mat 24:15 - Prophecy)

Significance: Quatations of Old Testament Scriptures for 93 times

(Mat 1:1) The goals of Matthew's writing is focussed on the Jews, with the aspiration to notify all Jews about the Son of David, Jesus the Messiah. He also esteemed the fulfillment of the prophecies told in the Old Testament.

Structure of the Scroll

1. Birth of Jesus and Life of young Jesus (chapt 1-2)

2. Preparation for propagation of the Gospel (Jesus' baptism, temptation; at the age of 30)

3. Beginning of Gospel preaching and sheperding (chapt 4-25) John the baptist imprisoned, Jesus started His ministry.

a) 5: 1-7: 28 Teachings on the Mount, that is the first sermon of the Lord Jesus in vs 5 - 7.

b) 8: 1-9: 35 Chronicles of miracles

c) chapt 10 teachings for the Disciples in the Gospel

d) chapt 11-12 Continuation of the Ministry Work

e) chapt 13 Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven

f) 14-16: 12 teachings and miracles (the Lord Jesus worked for 3 years in Galilee)

4. Towards Jerusalem

i) Journey into the Holy City (16: 13-16: 28) The Lord Jesus foretold of his Death, explaining that He must die to accomplish the Kingdom of the Messiah.

ii) Before the Entrance (10; 17: 14; 19: 1; 20:17; 21:1; 29 Places that Jesus set foot in)

5. Great tribulation on Jesus (chapt 21 -26) Entering into Jerusalem

Notes from Pr Amos

作者: 马太 (可2:14 — 马太原名是“利未”,在税关上做工)
成书: 主后 60 - 70 年 (太24:15 - 预言)
特色: 引用旧约经文93次

(太1:1) 马太写此书的对象是犹太人。他要告诉犹太人,耶稣是大卫的子孙——弥赛亚。

1. 耶稣降生与童年 (1 ~ 2章) [太2:23 引用旧约,应验先知所说]
2. 传道的预备 (3 ~ 4章) [主受洗,试探。当时30岁。]
3. 开始传道与牧养 (4 ~ 25章) [约翰被下监,主从开始传道。]

a. (5:1-7:28) 登山宝训 [5:1 主的第一次证道 5~7章都是主的证道]
b. (8:1- 9:35) 神迹篇 [全是耶稣所行的神迹]
c. (10章) 给门徒宣教的嘱咐
d. (11-12章) 继续工作
e. (13章)天国的比喻
f. (14-16:12) 教训与神迹 {主都在加利利里工作3年}
4. 面向耶路撒冷
i. 上圣城 (16:13- 16:28)——主预言自己死。主说他一定要上耶路撒冷送死以成全弥赛亚国度。
ii. 进城前 (10; 17:24; 19:1; 20:17; 21:1; 29 主所经过的地方)
5. 耶稣受苦难 (21 ~ 26章) [进了耶路撒冷]


马太福音 The Gospel of Matthew



As planned, we should be finished with The Gospel of Matthew by now.
Please share your thoughts as well as what you have learned from the book.
Thank you...

May God bless you

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mandarin Translation: Apologetics Episode 2 卫道学第二集:三位一体

Note: Original article in English is written in previous post.



但父不是子,子不是灵,灵不是天父。 (?!!)



“亲爱的,这是信仰的奥秘,一个无人能及的智慧 。”

LoL 没错,他们的讲法当然是个无人能及的奥秘喽!




1) 只有一位神,因为圣经从未讲述过父不是子,子不是圣灵的道理。
(西 1:19; 2:9).

2) 父在耶稣里面 (约 10:38; 14:10,11).

3)耶稣基督与父为一 (赛 9:6; 约 10:30; 14:9).

4) 耶稣间接性地自称为圣灵
耶稣说,“我必到你们这里来” (约 14:18)
又说,“等不多时,你们就不得见我,再等不多时,你们还要见我” (约 16:17).

5) 圣经称圣灵为耶稣的灵。
(使16:7; 罗8:9; 加 4:6;门 1:19; 彼前 1:11).

圣灵为父的令 (太 10:20),
(太 3:16;罗 8:9; 8:13,14; 林前 2:11; 3:16; 6:11; 12:3; ),
神的圣灵 (弗 4:30; 帖前 4:8).

6) 在人里的圣灵也被称父的灵 (罗 8:9-11).

7) 神叫耶稣复活 (加 1:1)
也是耶稣叫自己复活 (约 2:19).

8) 耶稣成就祷告里所求的 (约 14:14)父也成就祷告里所求的 (约 15:16).

God bless.

Mandarin Translation: Apologetics Episode 1

Original articles in English is in previous post, Apologetics Episode One

(warning: for christians only)
穆斯林信徒可能会针对基督信仰提出以下的问题。身为真教会的精兵,我们要如何维护神无暇疵的真理呢?点击COMMENT 来坚持你的信仰。

Irrelevant doctrines and teaching

基督教界有史以来都在掺入世界的风俗进他们的信仰里。为了取得人的欢喜而宁愿改变原本的信仰来适应人类。CONSTANTINE曾在一会议里,搅入了异教信仰进基督教义里,还称真神的先知(既是耶稣),为神自己本身。就为了引导异教徒来信基督,他对不信三神论者(Trinity)和认为有些教义是异端的人大大屠杀。我们 又怎能相信一个跟随人意的信仰呢?你们的圣经自己讲天下无任何物体能代替或代表真神,但却拜人手画下耶稣模样的神像,又谴责耶稣(神的先知)是神。

Contradiction in Oneness of God



我将用你们自己的圣经作为对抗你们理论的论点。翻开马太福音二一11,路加福音二四19耶稣,拿撒勒的先知。你们的圣经证明了穆斯林的相信,即为耶稣只是神的先知。再来,“不要照我的意思,而要照你的意思” 马太二六耶稣讲自己的意思并不重要,天父的意思才为重要。


A god that teaches Suicide



Saturday, July 11, 2009

Apologetics Episode 2 Trinity is not biblical

In christendom, one of the most debated topic is the nature of God as Three in One and Three is One. The True Jesus Church holds a view different from many Christian communities, with sufficient biblical proofs, that Belief of Trinity is not correct.
Trinity Doctrine in the Godhead is so ingrained in the people, that when someone questions and challenges this erroneous doctrine, he will be immediately called heresy and branded as a "cult". Yet, is this doctrine supported by the Bible? Simply, no.

Definition of Trinity and its Brief History
- A group consisting of three closely related members
- the union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead,
which means the Father, Son and HolySpirit are God,
Yet the Father is not the Son, and the Son not the HolySpirit. (?!!)
The early church in its simple faith believed in One God,
and that God was all in all to them.
The term Trinity never existed in the Scriptures nor during early apostolic times,
neither did they believe in the 3 persons in the Godhead.
they simply believe that each was a "manifestation" of One and the same God,
as mentioned in the Bible.
Soon after the "original" apostles of Jesus passed away,
heresies crept in and remained firm in Christianity till today.
Trinity developed itself in history, stirring much controversies and problems
that almost tore the church apart.

The explanation of Trinity by Trinitarians(those who believed in Trinity)
is extremely confusing.
"There are 3 persons but all equal in one essence.
Yet they are 3 truly distinct individuals and not the same,
YET again, they are one God. "
When the trinitarians are challenged with more questions, they will just say,
"Well, dear,
it's a great mystery of faith that no human mind can comprehend."
LoL indeed, it IS a mystery.
1Cor 14:33 states that God is not a God of confusion and disorder. Would He be responsible for a doctrine about Him so confusing that even Hebrew, Greek and Latin scholars cannot explain?

The Father = the Son = the Holy Spirit = one God
the Son = the Father = Holy Spirit
1) There is only one God, and Scripture does not say that the Son is neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit.
The fullness of God is found in Christ (Col 1:19; 2:9).
2) The Lord Jesus also said that the Father was in Him (Jn 10:38; 14:10,11).
3)Jesus Christ, the Son of God is identified with the Father (Isa 9:6; Jn 10:30; 14:9).

4) The Lord Jesus indirectly identified Himself as the Holy Spirit.
When referring to the coming of the Holy Spirit,
the Lord Jesus said, “I will come to you” (Jn 14:18)
and “a little while, and you will see Me” (Jn 16:17).

5) The Bible calls the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Jesus
(Acts 16:7; Rom 8:9; Gal 4:6; Phil 1:19; 1Pet 1:11).

The Holy Spirit is also called the Spirit of the Father (Mt 10:20),
the Spirit of God (Mt 3:16; Rom 8:9; 8:13,14; 1 Cor 2:11; 3:16; 6:11; 12:3; ),
or the Holy Spirit of God (Eph 4:30; 1Thess 4:8).

6) The Holy Spirit that lives in believers is also called the Spirit of God
and the Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9-11).

7) The resurrection of Jesus Christ by the Father (Gal 1:1)
is also done by Christ himself (Jn 2:19).

8) Jesus answers prayers (Jn 14:14) and the Father answers prayers (Jn 15:16).
9) The Holy Spirit will speak for the believers (Mk 13:11),
and this Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father (Mt 10:20) and Jesus himself (Lk 21:15).
hope this little article will help you to better understanding of the beliefs of the True Jesus Church.
Visit for clearer explainations.
May the Lord Jesus, the True and Al-mighty God be the lamp to your feet,
leading you to the Truth and Salvation.
God bless.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Apologetics Episode 1

A non-christian (muslim) may pose such questions to you. But as Christian soldiers of the True Church, how do we defend for our perfect Truth of God? Defend for the Truth by clicking Comment to state your beliefs with biblical evidence.

Irrelevant Doctrines and Teachings
Christians have records of incorporated things of the world into their religion. People should change their ways to catch up with the religion. You cannot change the religion to suit the people. In a conference, Constantine incorporated paganism into Christianity, and declared a prophet of God, Jesus to be God Himself. In order to attract pagans into Christianity. He killed the monks and many who rejected Trinity and paganism. How can we follow a religion that follows human will and paint pictures of Jesus and say He was God when YOUR bible actually states that nothing under heavens and on earth resembles God?

Contradiction in Oneness of God
Jesus Himself acknowledged that God is one. Yet Trinity came to exist with many contradictory bible verses. And Christians worship 3 gods, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Trinity, you say, it’s a concept made since Genesis, “come, let US make…” says God…

Firstly, this making Jesus into God is a blasphemy.
Secondly, the bible contradicts itself in so many ways. God is one, yet God is not alone, but 3?
You hold your bible passionately, turn to Matthew 21:11 This is Jesus the Prophet. Luke 24:19, says Jesus the Prophet of Nazareth. Jesus is God? But the bible of yours says Jesus is a prophet. “Not my will, but Thy Will.” Mat 26, Jesus said his will was inconsequential and unimportant. Jesus called, “our God” and this means Jesus himself was a worshipper of the God above, if Jesus was God, who can a God talk to another God in Heaven when there should be only one God?
And if Jesus was God, how could God ascend to God?

Jesus is a spiritual son of God, because everyone is called the children of God.

A god that teaches Suicide
You say, Jesus came to the world to shed blood and die on the cross for salvation of men. You believe that, right? Doesn’t that mean Jesus, the God you call, has committed suicide, and makes him a god that teaches suicides?

Youtube, Christianity vs Islam

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to AaronCCF

Happy Birthday to u...

Happy Birthday toooo you...

Happy Birthday to Chee Faaaaii....

Happy Birthday to YOU.......


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Whose Stronger?

Hallelujah.. I'm a new author here.
And I want to bear a testimony of my family.

I'm a True Jesus Church member since small,
but my mom's family isn't so.
Only my mom,my grandma and one of my auntie came to believe in Jesus.

So, one day......
My mom and her family moved to a new house.
As my grandpa is not a believer,
the first thing he did was
to "invite" a "god" into the house.
Meanwhile,my grandma was very angry and objected my grandpa's request.
But, nothing can be done.
My grandpa still insist to do that.

Therefore, my grandpa and my non believer uncles and aunties often worship idols at home.
But, there were no peace in the house.
There were bad luck in the family.
1.My uncle met with dangers where he was trapped in the Penang ferry brokedown
(In year 1997 if not mistaken...)
2.My grandma met with an accident (luckily there were no serious injury)
and much more.....

So, my grandpa believe that this is maybe the fengshui problem
or there were some dirty things around...
Then, he ask a monk to come over to see whats wrong...
By the time the monk stepped in our house,
he told my grandpa.
" What you did to your house?"
"You invited any "god" into our house?"
"You cant have this "god" in your house, because there's another God here."
My grandpa was curious and he asked: "No,except this(Idol), there's no others."

Then the monk said: "Your wife's God(Lord Jesus Christ) is stronger than yours,
You have to chase your "god"(Idol) away,
if not, your house will never have peace!"

So, till today, we does not have any Idols in our house.
Because my grandpa knows that there will never be peace in our house if there's any Idols.
Although my grandpa is not a believer yet,
but I know that he is sure that our Lord Jesus Christ is the most powerful and strong God.
No other Idols can defeat him.

May all glory be unto God.

Sis. Eunice Guok

Saturday, July 4, 2009

God is my light

The sun will no more be your light by day,
nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you,
for the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.

"Who are you, Lord?" asked Paul.
"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up, and stand on your feet."
says Jesus,
"... I am sending you to them
to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light,
and from the power of Satan to God,
so that they may receive forgiveness of sins
and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me."
picture praise
Time dies away,
but the Lord still awaits.
He has opened the gate,
and a Heavenly path laid.
He still hopes and waits,
till His pathway we'd finally take.

Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

Praise Him in the Desert of Judah

Picture PraiseO God you are my God
earnestly I seek you
my soul thirsts for you
my body longs for you
in a dry and weary land
where there is no water

I have seen you in the sanctuary

and beheld your power and your glory
because your love is better than life
my lips will glorify you
I will praise you as long as I live
and in your name i will lift up my hands
My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods,
with singing lips my mouth will praise you
On my bed I remember you
I think of you through the watches of the night
Because You are my help
I sing in the shadow of your wings
My soul clings to you
your right hand upholds me

David's psalm in desert of Judah
(Psa 63: 1-8)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Army Of Jehovah

sermon, Gombak Tjc 27/6

For if the willingness is there,
the gift is acceptable according to what one has,
not according to what he does not have.

the True Jesus Church does not merely crouch in wait for the second coming of Jesus,
but also march on tirelessly and courageously to fight the spiritual warfare.

---------Yes, we have acquired the Truth, we are baptised, and some already received the Holy Spirit. The basic requirements are, whuwww, all fulfilled. Wow, GOOD! I can now stand aside and do whatever i desire and wait patiently for Jesus to take me, YEAH~

FOOL! YOU ARE A FOOL if you think this way.

Genesis illustrates how sins entered the world and devastated the Garden of Eden by casting out God's beloved creation Adam and his wife, Eve. Sins parted God from man.

Yet, God's love still remains.

God then chose His people --- Israelites.
Exo6:, 7: Out of Egyptians' yoke, God brought the Israelites out to eternal Salvation...

Now, this "Eternal Life package" is not only limited to Israelites anymore.
It's open to ALL human race!!!!! FREE OF CHARGE!
We can go and "register" ourselves to acquire the status and reputation of God's royal priesthood ANYTIME! But with certain conditions, of course, through Faith in Jesus and His wonderful ways and grace, through Jesus' baptism and so on. "Fast and Efficient, Easy and Free!" ^^
Praise the Lord that we all here, as part of TJC, have received this full script of the complete Truth to pave our path to Heaven.

so easy to get, so easy to forget

Question is, after all these that Jesus did for us to make us His children,
are we willing to put on the armor and take up our swords to be His soldiers?

Being in form of flesh, too weak, we are just too weak! We hardly have the img of Christian soldiers. When faced with temptations, we falter and fall. Some don't even bother about events of church after baptism. They think the church's like some unimportant social clubs?

some don't even wish to touch their armour, instead they are indulging themselves in the worldly pleasures.
How selfish!
In fact, we never deserved to receive this grace! But Jesus graciously elected us out of millions and millions of world population, out of His bountiful grace and love. Have we forgotten about that?

Egypt was beautiful,
a land so seductive and desired by many.
Oo? The Biblical Egypt actually prefigures the current World, just as alluring and dreamt by all. The World is often the ultimate pursuit and priority of the humanrace. Bounded by the ambitious dreams and blinded by the grand rewards; thus unable to let go.

The Israelites were rescued by God, by taking this very step, ----------------------------------Let Go, and Depart From Egypt

"This is the only way to get yourselves out of Egypt, this land of torture and shame! "
Similarly, we too, have to take this step --- depart from the world. We don't just lay in wait after we have done the basic steps to Salvation instructed by the church. We have to take the initiative to FIGHT FOR THE LORD and even DIE FOR THE LORD!

Often, We get so fascinated by the world that we've unconsciously tripped and then topple, (we abandon God for the sake of our worldly pursuits), ... Our fleshly weaknesses have disadvantaged us.
Need Help? Just...
... cry out to that One name under heavens through which all beings are saved --- Jesus!
Reach out to Him, and He will reach out to you! Such a simple step,yet so hard to be acted out.
Hence, let's pray and ask the Lord to always add on to our faith; believe that Jesus will surely help us.

Eph 6: 11, 12
Rely on the Lord, and be submissive to Him, so that we may grow strong to be better soldiers and sustain our place in Heaven.

Abraham knew nothing that awaited him ahead, yet he was still so "steady" lor.
He submissively obeyed the instructions of God. God says to the North, then to the North he goes!

That's all for a simple reason, he knew Whom he believed in, and he knew who was leading him --- The greatest and bestest Commander under all Heavens, the True God Jehovah, that's Jesus Christ!