Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mark 9:24

The father instantly cried out,"I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!"

This is one of the verses in Mark that I find very interesting. It's something that I can't fully understand but I can somehow relate to. The father referred to here is the father of a demon possessed child that though after many exorcisms couldn't be cured. Jesus' followers tried and failed even. Soon, they asked for Jesus himself to expel the demon but before doing so, he chided them. The father's reply to the chide was such.

Many a time in our life we may find that, oh right, I do believe in Jesus. We say we have faith but, do we really? Deep down we all have doubts, and technically speaking, how can you have faith if you have doubts? Yet somehow it still happens. This man however [completely my point of view, hoping anyone would correct if possible] was aware of this, and at that moment, he seized the opportunity to ask Jesus to help him overcome his doubts.

But, I'm also wondering... the father said he believed right? So how can there be unbelief in his heart? (comments would be appreciated)


  1. That's exactly what i thought when i read verses related to the simple word, "believe". I believe, this is just too easy to say. Just as i always thought to myself when my frenz share ghost stories. If the demon would appear in flesh form to scare me, would i be confident enough to cry out "In Jesus' name i cast you out!"?

    Or perhaps to revive a dead person, whom i love much, how much faith is required to do that?

    I thought of whether it was possible if, when any of my Buddhist family members pass away without having accepted the Gospel, and out of great longing to have them to share a part in Heaven, I'd revive him/her in Jesus' name to accept the Truth.

    Is that possible, just as the Bible describes?

    Theoretically, we know the answer is yes, for nothing is impossible with God. But just how much faith do we need to move a mountain like Jesus said? I bet it has to be alot--so much more that i could "produce".

  2. wah, thx YR the handsome... i wanted to share this too when i read this chp... but no time... thx YR...
    Here is concerning "faith". The child's dad said he has faith but not enough.
    yes, he do not have "unbelief" in his heart.
    He belief Jesus able to heal his child, but not strong enough...
    So as me...Sorry to say, I do not have full faith to Jesus too... The environment, trend, challenges, and my own desire have weakened my faith! the temptation of the world is too great! I LOSE in it... Online games, movies, drama all have affected my faith! Therefore, in my prayer, i said that too...

    Let's look at our Father of Faith, Abraham.
    how he got such a great faith? it isnt appear inside him since he was born! [He had lied]
    BUT! He was being trained and tested by God (Gen chp 22). Consequently, he became the Father of Faith, and his faith passed down to his son,Isaac.
    Same as Moses...he was trained 40 years in the wilderness! As the result, he became a humble man, full of love....and so on...

    As the conclusion, we must overcome all the challenges, lust, trend, anythings which will affect our faith. If we overcome it, our faith will be strengthen... and will have full faith to Jesus, that time, nothing is impossible to u... and u can move the mountain into the sea!

    Lastly i wan to share a verse Hebrew 3:12-14.
    Be watchful and pray.
