I am not sure if you guys have heard from the elderly, that life is bound to experience prosecutions. If there is any life without tribulations, perhaps that’s God’s special blessing.
I think…
Trials and tribulations ain’t all that bad…
God’s love still stays by your side every second but you’d just need to make an effort to even realize that.
Because there are persecutions, the foolish will see the salvation and the great love of God.
When you encounter trials, you’ve gotta believe in God.
For God is almighty and He will certainly help you.
Many in the world today lead luxurious lives,
which, to some, are admirably wonderful because they’ve attained a stress-free life.
But in reality, they are constantly living in fear and anxiety of getting kidnapped, robbed, killed and etc…
When problems arise, we should be able to lead these people to Jesus, for it is the best help that they can possibly receive!
A wealthy life, without Jesus, is a poor life.
In a life so rich and peaceful, they do not see their real needs.
In a life with no tribulations, they do not see the love of God, and they will continue in being spiritually impoverished.
In an era accompanied by impressive advancement of science and technology,
Human morale, on the other hand, is decreasing to such grave depravity.
Looking at my friends in school, I truly sympathized them for having their conscience buried.
I am angry with myself for failing to bring them to Jesus.
Some are striving to draw close to Jesus,
while some friends in the church have left Jesus.
I am a failure, because I failed to keep them in Jesus. Often I wished that trials may come upon them so that they once again see the great love of God.
I am weak, lazy and never even tried harder! I am sorry for God.