Monday, August 31, 2009

患难 Tribulations

我失败,无能 把他们留在耶稣里。。。
我这失败者。。。真对不起神。。。 没脸求神原谅。。。


I am not sure if you guys have heard from the elderly, that life is bound to experience prosecutions. If there is any life without tribulations, perhaps that’s God’s special blessing.

I think…

Trials and tribulations ain’t all that bad…

God’s love still stays by your side every second but you’d just need to make an effort to even realize that.

Because there are persecutions, the foolish will see the salvation and the great love of God.

When you encounter trials, you’ve gotta believe in God.

For God is almighty and He will certainly help you.

Many in the world today lead luxurious lives,

which, to some, are admirably wonderful because they’ve attained a stress-free life.

But in reality, they are constantly living in fear and anxiety of getting kidnapped, robbed, killed and etc…

When problems arise, we should be able to lead these people to Jesus, for it is the best help that they can possibly receive!

A wealthy life, without Jesus, is a poor life.

In a life so rich and peaceful, they do not see their real needs.

In a life with no tribulations, they do not see the love of God, and they will continue in being spiritually impoverished.

In an era accompanied by impressive advancement of science and technology,

Human morale, on the other hand, is decreasing to such grave depravity.

Looking at my friends in school, I truly sympathized them for having their conscience buried.

I am angry with myself for failing to bring them to Jesus.

Some are striving to draw close to Jesus,

while some friends in the church have left Jesus.

I am a failure, because I failed to keep them in Jesus. Often I wished that trials may come upon them so that they once again see the great love of God.

I am weak, lazy and never even tried harder! I am sorry for God.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

one of the parable of Jesus in Luke chp 5

I dun understand this parable... anyone pls explain.... ^^

5:36And he said to them, in a story, No man takes a bit of cloth from a new coat and puts it on to an old coat, for so the new coat would be damaged and the bit from the new would not go well with the old.
5:37And no man puts new wine into old wine-skins, for fear that the skins will be burst by the new wine, and the wine be let out, and the skins come to destruction.
5:38But new wine has to be put into new wine-skins.
5:39And no man, having had old wine, has any desire for new, for he says, The old is better.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Let's pray The Lord's Prayer

祈 祷
Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name;Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our debt, as we forgive our debtors;
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever,

This is how Jesus taught us to pray.
But we do not just memorise this passage and just recite it plainly in prayer
and go, "Hey, today I prayed already/I did my part!"
与 万 王 之 王 沟 通
Each time we pray in Jesus' name, our prayer is heard by the Almighty King of kings from above Heaven. Though our mind maybe unfruitful while we pray, (or we don't concentrate) the Holy Spirit still intercedes for us through Tongues. But is that all we should do in our daily conversation with God?

I'd like to share what I heard from a sermon about the Lord's Prayer.
The Lord's Prayer is actually an indication to believers of what to pray,
and how to pray. Begin with "in Jesus' Name I pray, Hallelujah" (ofcourse)

"...Hallowed be Thy Name"
Praise the LorItalicd, with a pair of holy lips that are worthy to even say the praise.
Hence, we should first repent for the sins we made.
(John 9:31We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will.)
天 国
"May Thy Kingdom come ... as it is in Heaven"
Pray for matters concerning Heaven, matters concerning
those who belong there and those who don't.
We have many lost sheep and doubtful friends and relatives to pray for.
(Mat6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.)
自 我
"Give us this day... deliver us from evil"
Pray for oneself, for your own weaknesses and debts,
make your personal wishes known to God.
( 1Peter 5:7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you)
This is a short and simple msg I'd like to share
in hope that you will be edified and improve our conversations with God together.
Let's pray together for one another always.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

路加福音 The Gospel of Luke

作者:路加 (医生)

A. 圣灵的工作 (1:15,35,67;2:25-27;3:16,22;4:1,14;11:13;12:12)
B. 耶稣个人祷告 (8次—3:21;5:16;6:12;9:18,28;11:1;22:44-48)
太(5次)— 14:23;19:15;26:38-44
C. 接待主及资助的教训 (10:38;19:6;9:4;10:48)
D. 主的家谱 (3:23) 神 -〉约瑟 -〉亚当 -〉神的儿子
太1:16 亚伯拉罕 —〉约瑟 (大卫的子孙)
《路》的医学名词: (8:43;4:38;14:2)
1。引言 (1:1~1:4)
2。降生的宣告 (1:5~2:52)
3。向犹太人显明 (3:1~4:15)
4。传道工作 (4:16~9:50)
5。十字架道路 (9:51~21:38)
  • 往耶路撒冷 (9:51; 13:22; 17:11; 18:31; 19:1,11,28)
  • 进入圣殿 (19:45)

6。受苦牺牲 (22:1~23:56)

  • 逾越节 (22:1,7)
  • 审判受苦 (22:42~23:56)

7。复活 (24:1~24:53)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Apologetics Episode 5 Christmas is not for Christians

Christmas, Easter Day, Good Friday always occur to many as a Christian Festival,
Yet, all these festives were never recorded as a godly practice in the Bible;
instead, these celebrations only reveal more of Anti-Bible-characteristics.
We as children of God, let's think for ourselves how our Father in Heaven would feel
for not keeping to His commandments by adding the false to the Word,
and subtracting the Truth to fatal errors?

1 ) Is Christmas Biblical?
the word 'Christmas' cannot be found in the Holy Bible.
This word originated from the Roman Catholic Church.
It is a combination of the two words "Christ" and "Mass"
The idea of Christmas was carried over to the Reformation and Protestant Churches although they do not believe in the Catholic Mass. It seems inconsistent for Christians to celebrate Christmas when they do not believe in the Mass at all.
2 ) The Lord Jesus Christ never celebrated His own birthday.
His own family, relatives, friends, apostles and disciples did not celebrate His birthday.
One cannot find a single reference in the entire New Testament where the Early Church ever celebrated Christmas.
According to church historians, Christmas was not celebrated during the first three centuries after the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christians who are of the apostolic faith should follow the apostolic tradition of not celebrating Christmas.

3 ) Nobody knows the exact date of the Lord Jesus Christ's birthday.
Does it ever occur to you that God may not want Christians to celebrate the birthday of the Lord Jesus Christ?
If God had wanted us to celebrate Christ's birthday, would He not reveal the exact date to us? He has constantly revealed the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath and He has commanded man to keep this day holy unto Him. This is the Fourth Commandment.
The Lord Jesus Christ has commanded His disciples to remember His death by observing Holy Communion,
but He was completely silent about remembering His birthday.

4 ) Christmas is closely associated with Paganism.
The date December 25th was a pagan holiday. The Roman pagans were celebrating a week-long festival known as Saturnalia from December 17 through 24.
Immediately following this festival is the Brumalial the birth of the Unconquered Sun which falls on December 25.
Since the Roman pagans were fanatical sun worshippers,
the Brumalia was considered one of their most important festivals.
In order to make the new Christian religion easily acceptable to the pagan converts,

the Roman Catholic Church transferred the pagan festival to a Christian holiday by changing the worship of the sun-god Mithras to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
What does the Word of God say about mixing pagan worship with Christianity?
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 states, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?
And what communion has light with darkness?
And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has he who believes with an unbeliever?
And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?

article subtracted from
Do not hesitate to give us comments about Christmas and Christianity.
We will try at our level best to provide you satisfiable answers.
Christmas is not a festival for Christmas, this must be so surprising and unbelievable to some,
yet this is true.
Comments are much appreciated. Amen

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Apologetics Episode 4 Baptism

" April 9th, 1989, the True Jesus Church in Ma-Dou prepared to baptize 14 truth seekers at the conclusion of an evangelistic event. The baptism would be held in the ocean, from a beach nearby. Because I had heard about the trick of using red ink, I tagged along out of curiosity to watch the baptism. When everyone had finished singing hymns, I left the group and went further up shore. I found a nice open spot where I could closely observe their every move.

After those who were to receive baptism changed into white robes, they began to walk into the sea one by one.
The baptist, Pastor Chen, was holding a brand new white towel without any sign of red ink in his hands. As the first sister began to be baptized, the seawater around her suddenly changed into a deep shade of red.

Were my eyes playing tricks on me? The rest of the ocean appeared a deep turquoise blue against the vast blue sky. How strange--how was it that only the waters surrounding the baptized remained crimson red?

I rubbed my eyes and watched intently as the second, third, and succeeding persons were baptized. Remarkably, this vision continued just the same. Even funnier still, when an infant was immersed in the sea, the color turned into a lighter shade of red. It then immediately changed back to deep red when it was the adults' turn. After the fourteenth person was baptized, the crimson color disappeared and the water was restored to its former turquoise blue.
At that moment it dawned on me that the Lord Jesus had opened my eyes and allowed me to witness how His precious blood cleanses away all our sins in order for us to inherit God's kingdom. Then I lifted up my head and cried out to God, "Oh, Lord, forgive me! I now know You love the people of the world deeply. For our sake You were crucified and bled to wash the world's sins away. Those who believe and are baptized will be saved." On the way home I couldn't help shedding many tears of thanksgiving. On the thirtieth day of the same month I received the baptism in Tainan, Taiwan.
B a p t i s m
- baptizo (Greek), means to immerse.
Baptism is carried out in a way where the baptist is to fully immerse
in running and living water(streams, rivers, pond, sea...)
- a crucial step neccessary to complete one's salvation. (Mk16:16, 1Pet3:20-21, Jn3:5)
Unless one is born of water and of Spirit,
no one can enter the Kingdom of God.
Water is baptism, Spirit is the Holy Spirit.
- holds the efficacy to cleanse sins. (Acts2:38; 22:16)
the Kingdom of Heaven only allows entry for the holy, in other words, no sin should enter Heaven. If sins are not cleansed, that means we can never enter Heaven.
- enables us to put on Christ (Gal 3:27-29)
We once shared no part in Jesus, but now, through baptism, we belong to Jesus,
and we become the descendants of Abraham to share a part in God's fold and promise.
- yields rebirth (Jn3:3-5)
Our old selves were once so wretched and pitiable,
but baptism yields us a new life, new hope.
Baptism is a process of immersing(death and buried)
and arising from the water (resurrection).
- Allows us to have Sonship with God (Gal 4:5-6, Rom8:15-16)