Lunar Deity / Moon god
Since medieval times, there was a tendency for humans to adore and worship heavens and earth.
Worship of the Moon is, in fact, a common phenomenon in many parts of the world.
The Bible also has recordings of such worship (the goddess Artemis in Acts19:27).
Christian Viewpoints:
- Moon cast away darkness with light. (Psa136:9)
- The Moon reflects the light from the Sun, just as Christians live out the image of Christ.
- the Moon serves as a sign, date, season (Gen1:14;
The Moon is also the symbol of the Last Day where the Moon turns red (Joel2:31; Rev6:12)
- The moon mirrors the Might of God. It’s an instrument for praise by showing how minute we are.
- A Covenant of nature with God (Jer33:20) The order of nature(Jer31:35-36) Symbol of God’s forever love and faithfulness.
- Psa8:3 the moon is “appointed/ordained” by God in His beautiful will and unique significance.
- The moon helps in growth of certain crops.
- An idol of worship. Eg: Queen of Heaven=moon
- some believe the Moon has a mysterious ability to cause harm to living things mentally. (lunar-struck)
- An authority of Hades(Rev 12:1)
Spiritual Teachings:
As we lift up our eyes to observe God’s creation, we see how minute we are. (Psa8:3-4)
The Created are NOT to be worshiped (Deut4:19;17:3)
(Rev12:1 a woman clothed with the sun
The Coming of the Son of Man will destroy the sun, moon and all that are created. (Mat24:29)
(Psa72:5-7) The moon still shines, let’s cease every opportunity to worship; lest the moon turns red and there will be no time for regret.
We ought to shine for the Lord like the moon, and bring light to the people in the dark.
(Mat 5:14-16) Be the Light and Salt of the World.
- 月亮是管黑暗,发光照耀。黑夜时照亮暗道的光。 (诗136:9)
- 美丽的月亮。这月亮也指我们。月亮是反射太阳光的,相同的,我们也因该反映主的image。我们也当成为世上的光,照亮黑暗。
- 作为记号,节令,时期 (创1:14) {参考[西2:16]} 月亮是神给我们的记号,让我们知道时间。是神给我们一个正常的生活起居,正常的次序。 此外,月亮也是末日的记号 (珥2:31;启6:12)
- 月亮是要来赞美神的,它展现出神的伟大。每当我们看到它,就当知道自己是多么的渺小。(诗148:3)
- 月亮也是神与我们定的“自然之约”(耶33:20) 自然的定律(耶31:35-36)月亮表示着神的信实和慈爱,从古至今,没有改变过!神的话永不改变。
- 月亮乃神所Appointed/Ordained (诗8:3)"陈设 Ordained" 神创造的每一样东西都有它的意义。
- 月亮能够帮助某些农作物生产(申33:14)
- 偶像!(耶44:17)天后=Queen of Heaven 就是“月神”
- Lunar = 月亮 Lunatic = 神经失常 (太4:24)"癫痫 lunar-struck" = 被月亮打而变傻。据说月亮拥有神秘的力量,会伤害人。(诗121:6)
- 月亮=阴间的权威 (启12:1)这妇人就是教会,她践踏撒但,胜过黑暗的权势。 日时住工作,月时鬼工作。
- 当看见神伟大的创造,深知人的渺小(诗8:3-4)
- 受造之物,不应敬拜 (申4:19;17:3)
- (启12:1)披戴日头=公义。教会以公义为战衣,拥有权丙能胜过黑暗势力!
- 人子降临的时候,太阳月亮全部首造之物都会被毁灭!(太24:29)
- (诗72:5-7)我们当趁着月亮还在发光的时候,把握时机来敬拜神。等到月亮变成血红色时,后悔也来不及了...
- 我们应当像月亮一样,为主发光,照亮那些还在黑暗里行走的人。我们当成为世上的盐,世上的光。发光照在人前,叫人们看见我们的好行为,便将荣耀归给天上的神。(太:14-16)