Sunday, November 15, 2009

Study for God.

Finally, I know the reason why I must study.

For God.
And I must study hard.

We'll have good results, to Give Glory to God.

We'll have good results, to further our studies in
Courses that are Edifying to Men and God.

In the Future, We can Work for the Lord.

My friends, Do you know the reason why you Must study now?

Do you still want to relax and take your time?

Don't do things that will make you regret anymore!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mutual Exhortation 与大家共勉之

"Flee and Fly, to the Desert"
by Pr Ezekiel Chang in the Southern Region Spiritual Meeting (1Jan09).


Rev12:6The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
启12:6 妇人逃到旷野,神给她预备地方,养活她1260天。
Rev 12:14 that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.
启12:14 妇人飞到旷野,被养活一载二载半载。(一载=一年)

We are to cultivate our faith so we can fly away from water attack of the dragon. This signifies a process and time frame that take place for our faith to gradually grow and establish. Not something abrupt, but an accumulation day by day.
这意味着,我们的信仰是要慢慢来培养建立的…不是一载半载的事… 一天一天的累积的……

The dragon spawed water to overtake the woman from the back, there is absolutely no way to escape. Hence, this exalts us to pray even more fervently so that we are able to gain flight to dodge that attack.

Book of Revelation teaches of three mouths
  • 龙口 = 世界的口 Of the Dragon which signifies the world
  • 兽口 = 政治社会的口 Of the Beast which signifies the society
  • 假先知的口 = 宗教的口 Of the False prophets which signifies the religions
While we are not on guard, these mouths will put us to a sentence of death.
In fact these mouths are more fearful than any calamities of the world.

We are to live a life just as that of the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years.
A simple life in the wilderness with full dependence on God's leadership. (Deut8:2)

约柜就有3样东西3 Things in the Ark
  1. Staff of Aaron - Authority and miracles of God (Numbers17:10)亚伦之杖 ~ 神的权柄 & 神迹。(民17:10)
  2. Manna - Grace of God (Exo16:33) 吗哪 ~ 神的恩典 (出16:33)
  3. Testimony - Word and Law of God(Exo25:16) 法版 ~ 神的话/神的律法(出25:16)
(Numbers11:4) the Israelites began to murmur against the plain lifestyle.
While in the wilderness, the Israelites had no worry about food and labor as there was manna falling from Heaven everyday. Yet, they grumbled against God even in times of peace like this. Similarly, as we now have a good career and financial support, a healthy body etc, these are all blessings of God. What then is there any dissatisfaction?
Jer2:2 records that God favoured His people in the desert.
As the people in the wilderness lived a simple life with a simple heart to rely on God,
just like little children.
Rev5:7-8 states of conditions of a christian life : Scroll prefigured as Bible, Harp as Hymns, and Golden bowls as Prayer.

(启5:7-8)书卷,琴,金炉 ~ 圣经,赞美诗,祷告。 这就是我们当有的信仰生活。

Go, Return to the Wilderness to Serve God!


6 I said, "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest-

7 I would flee far away
and stay in the desert;

8 I would hurry to my place of shelter,
far from the tempest and storm."
