oh, while saying that, I was suddenly backed away abit 'cause, do you guys notice that we are seldom that formal as to start our posts in the name of Jesus?
Well, I've got a little testimony here. Just last Friday night.
My Proton Satria is a manual, a good and powerful car-I must acknowledge. I am so proud of driving it around. But unfortunately, I need to admit that I ain't all too good a driver. Much less while I gotta drive a MANUAL car. Days ago I was still driving my dad's Proton Saga and it is an auto.

On that peaceful night, my Satria suddenly broke down and its engine totally died. Surprise flitted across my eyes and anxiety was growing immense. Lydia was helping me to pray while I kept tryin to restart the engine but my efforts led to no avail. O God, do you have to do this to me? C'mon, Your child is now asking of you in sincere faith, help me to restart my engine and You can let it die once we arrive at Church.
My heart pounded loud when I gazed at my back and noticed the bad jam I caused on the already very-busy road of Genting Klang, and my car was on the right lane, the fast lane. Oh dear...
My phone ran out of battery, and this is one thing I gotta thank God for, that Lydia was with me so she could provide a phone and I didn't have to bear this distress alone.
My prayer took a while to be answered, but not in the way I wanted it to be. My car still failed to restart, but in the most despairing moment, Bro. Fun, a church brother, miraculously emerged out of nowhere, standing right in front of my car and lent a helping hand! Thank God.
Why would he come by at such a perfect timing?! This is simply a plan of our Father in Heaven! Hallelujah! To add to its seriousness, I had been fetching alot of people with that car on that day itself, and God didn't let it break down back then to humiliate my driving skills. Thank you Lord.
Sounds like a boring testimony since it's not some huge miracles, but I do think we should give glory to God in everything we do. So c'mon guys, share with us any graces you all have received, as simple and small as this! Every little thing is a good testimony to glorify God!