台湾·黄传道 YTTC 2012.12.11
约 9 章
赛41:14 你這蟲雅各和你們以色列人,不要害怕!耶和華說:我必幫助你。你的救贖主就是以色列的聖者。15看哪,我已使你成為有快齒打糧的新器具;你要把山嶺打得粉碎,使岡陵如同糠粃。
赛10:15 斧豈可向用斧砍木的自誇呢?鋸豈可向用鋸的自大呢?好比棍掄起那舉棍的,好比杖舉起那非木的人。
提后 2:21 人若自潔,脫離卑賤的事,就必作貴重的器皿,成為聖潔,合乎主用,預備行各樣的善事。
PS: 当有一天你成了被吐口水的土,不只是你得福,大家也得福。
Friday, December 28, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
We are the Advertisement
Hey bro n sis, it's been a while since my last update.
The EMO Trend
Just here to share a very personal voice.
But youngsters nowadays are really getting into the "EMO trend".
Everyone gets EMO, well, everyone has the right to be; To be angry, sad, apologetic, and overjoyed, such expressions are simply human emotions.
And negative emotions become more rampant and overwhelming in your free time, like when you have nothing better to do. Haha. Just the human tendency.
Well, since I am a media student, advertising a company, a product, a person is potentially crucial in today's context.
How do we advertise ourselves? Think about it if you haven't.
Our every conduct and word, thought and expression, is advertisement of ourselves, and things related to us. "Rom 14:7, 8 For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone."
Advertise yourself:
imagine yourself as a product, you need to be of great quality.
you need to make sure you sell off a good image, to attract "customers".
As a Christian of the True Church, advertise yourself well, you are the Church's ambassador, God's holy vessel. You must lead a much more joyful life than any other "products", much more reliable and dignified, always positive and thankful in times good or bad, always smiling from the innermost core.
Why? Because you want to convey the Truth about having Christ, tell forth this to all friends, not necessarily by words, but by advertisement of your day-to-day lifestyle.
"Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"
The Promise
bro n sis, thus, let's promise to live a much happier, joyful, forward-looking, godly life to attract the wanderers with the goodness of Christian lifestyle! It should really be the case. Christians are the happiest bunch even in the hardest of times, so live like one! God bless!
The EMO Trend
Just here to share a very personal voice.
But youngsters nowadays are really getting into the "EMO trend".
Everyone gets EMO, well, everyone has the right to be; To be angry, sad, apologetic, and overjoyed, such expressions are simply human emotions.
And negative emotions become more rampant and overwhelming in your free time, like when you have nothing better to do. Haha. Just the human tendency.
Well, since I am a media student, advertising a company, a product, a person is potentially crucial in today's context.
How do we advertise ourselves? Think about it if you haven't.
Our every conduct and word, thought and expression, is advertisement of ourselves, and things related to us. "Rom 14:7, 8 For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone."
Advertise yourself:
imagine yourself as a product, you need to be of great quality.
you need to make sure you sell off a good image, to attract "customers".
As a Christian of the True Church, advertise yourself well, you are the Church's ambassador, God's holy vessel. You must lead a much more joyful life than any other "products", much more reliable and dignified, always positive and thankful in times good or bad, always smiling from the innermost core.
Why? Because you want to convey the Truth about having Christ, tell forth this to all friends, not necessarily by words, but by advertisement of your day-to-day lifestyle.
"Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"
The Promise
bro n sis, thus, let's promise to live a much happier, joyful, forward-looking, godly life to attract the wanderers with the goodness of Christian lifestyle! It should really be the case. Christians are the happiest bunch even in the hardest of times, so live like one! God bless!
Monday, September 17, 2012
A smile.... means a lot.
I kept a smile but lost a brother.
I lost a brother,
because i ignored him in church
made him felt abandoned
I only busy on teaching RE and listen sermons
I didnt even give him a smile which he need.
Im so sorry.
I regret.
yet, everything is done.
I cant solve it.
Your smile might means a lot for the others.
Please dont keep your smile, it's not precious but it means a lot to the others.
I lost a brother,
because i ignored him in church
made him felt abandoned
I only busy on teaching RE and listen sermons
I didnt even give him a smile which he need.
Im so sorry.
I regret.
yet, everything is done.
I cant solve it.
Your smile might means a lot for the others.
Please dont keep your smile, it's not precious but it means a lot to the others.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
救恩论 Soteriology
Defination定义: Titus 2:11 提多书 2:11
Negative Perspective消极:
1. Save people out of DEATH 救人脱离死亡 (Gen 2:17, Rev 21:8, 2Cor 1:10, Heb 2:14)
2. Save people out of Evil 救人脱离罪恶 (Ro5:12, Heb9:22, Mt1:@1, Tit2:14)
3. Save people out of Law 救人脱离律法 (1Cor15:56, Gal4:4-5,3:13, RO6:!4, 7:4-6)
4. Save people out of The Power of Satan 救人脱离魔鬼的权势 (Nu23:@3, Jn16:33, Ro16:20)
Positive Perspective积极:
1. Save people into HEAVEN 救人进入天国 (Mt 4:!7,10:7,24:14, 2Tim4:18)
2. Save people into ETERNAL LIFE 救人进入永生(Jn6:68,3:16, 2Pet3:7)
3. Save people into GLORY 救人进入荣耀(Ro8:30, Heb2:10, Phi3:21, 1Pet5:4-10)
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Amidst The Joy
I can have more than 3 luxurious meals a day,
endless hours of online access to enjoy,
I have choices to pick what program I favour,
I am the king, as the Consumer is king.
Amidst such enjoyment,
what about those who lay by the streets,
pleading for shelter and a coin?

I can afford a car, my favourite CNY clothes,
money to belanja my friends and brag about my generosity.
An everlasting supply of material pleasure.
Amidst such pleasure,
what about those who have to toil under the Sun,
tottering from town to town,
simply to earn some meagre wages?
I, among the billions of the human race,
have been granted the status of the Son of God.
What nobility! What precious gift from on high!
A separated royalty, a chosen priesthood.
Amidst this spiritual Liberty,
what about those who shed tears and cry to the gods,
yet remain completely helpless;
helpless thus hopeless;
and with a sigh of finality,
life to them, is but lifelessness.

Okay, maybe you don't think life is that bad.
But I have witnessed such misery only recently,
from some who are of close ties to me,
but I have failed to share what I have.
I could only hope that someday,
before my love grows cold and my urgency vanishes,
God will open a way for the Blinded,
for those I love.
Let's count our blessings -which we have freely received-
thus share them with the human race.
Happy CNY 2012!
endless hours of online access to enjoy,
I have choices to pick what program I favour,
I am the king, as the Consumer is king.
Amidst such enjoyment,
what about those who lay by the streets,
pleading for shelter and a coin?

I can afford a car, my favourite CNY clothes,
money to belanja my friends and brag about my generosity.
An everlasting supply of material pleasure.
Amidst such pleasure,
what about those who have to toil under the Sun,
tottering from town to town,
simply to earn some meagre wages?
I, among the billions of the human race,
have been granted the status of the Son of God.
What nobility! What precious gift from on high!
A separated royalty, a chosen priesthood.
Amidst this spiritual Liberty,
what about those who shed tears and cry to the gods,
yet remain completely helpless;
helpless thus hopeless;
and with a sigh of finality,
life to them, is but lifelessness.

Okay, maybe you don't think life is that bad.
But I have witnessed such misery only recently,
from some who are of close ties to me,
but I have failed to share what I have.
I could only hope that someday,
before my love grows cold and my urgency vanishes,
God will open a way for the Blinded,
for those I love.
Let's count our blessings -which we have freely received-
thus share them with the human race.
Happy CNY 2012!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Recollect the Days of Grace
In the advent of 2012, let's recollect our past with
Psalm 65:
"Praise awaits you, our God in Zion, our vows shall be fulfilled."
Many promises made, but rarely kept.
Promises to read the Bible daily, to pray more,
to speak no foulness, to yield fruits of the Holy Spirit;
none lasted long throughout 2011.
"When we were overwhelmed by sins, You forgave our transgressions."
Again I nailed You back on the cross,
again Your tears fall, while Your grace lasts long.
Again Your forgiveness and love, last long.
"You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly.
The streams of God are filled with water."
Life in Christ so wondrous, evil enthrals but I now stand fearless.
His word so fertile and I shall no longer thirst.
"You drench its furrows and level its ridges;
you soften it with showers and bless its crops. "
The hardest ground, the harshest trials,
Out of the sure hopelessness, You make hope sprout.
Out of the impossible, You shower miracles.
Out of the bitter cold and sorrow, You straighten our paths.
These, I have all experienced.
And envisioning 2012, I shall do better only to repay Your immaculate love,
by glorifying You. Amen.
Psalm 65:
"Praise awaits you, our God in Zion, our vows shall be fulfilled."
Many promises made, but rarely kept.
Promises to read the Bible daily, to pray more,
to speak no foulness, to yield fruits of the Holy Spirit;
none lasted long throughout 2011.
"When we were overwhelmed by sins, You forgave our transgressions."
Again I nailed You back on the cross,
again Your tears fall, while Your grace lasts long.
Again Your forgiveness and love, last long.
"You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly.
The streams of God are filled with water."
Life in Christ so wondrous, evil enthrals but I now stand fearless.
His word so fertile and I shall no longer thirst.
"You drench its furrows and level its ridges;
you soften it with showers and bless its crops. "
The hardest ground, the harshest trials,
Out of the sure hopelessness, You make hope sprout.
Out of the impossible, You shower miracles.
Out of the bitter cold and sorrow, You straighten our paths.
These, I have all experienced.
And envisioning 2012, I shall do better only to repay Your immaculate love,
by glorifying You. Amen.
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