Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God, You Took It Away

Speaks the weak soul:

Vividly do I recall Your promise,
upon Christians
that there shall blossom peace in Your nation.
But behold, all creation gray and ashen,
demise of nature in a fiery destruction,
only by a curse from Heaven.

You took it away
You took it all away
Away is the peace of Your promise.
Away is the grace Your Right Hand bestows, only to be destroyed by Your Left Hand.

You took it all away
Away is my garden of roses, away the fragrance of love.
Away is my farm of animals, away the physiques of life.
Away is my piano that plays melodious praises, away my hymnal songs.
Away is my home, my companions, my family and friends.

You took it away.

(dedicated to victims of calamities and tribulations)
Then speaks the enlightened soul:
You took it away
You took it all away
in trials and tribulations
in Your holy awesomeness.

You took it all away
Away is the evil that I thought was good
Away is the danger I never saw
Away are the obstacles that would uproot my faith
Away is Satan whose snares and crafts lay beyond comprehension.

Away is my murmuring, comes my repentance and realization.
For I am unworthy.
For behind trials and tribulations hides Your beautiful Will,
hides a blessing in disguise.


  1. i know a little bit...the mean..
    is a nice poem...
    when i see this poem,i remember a big earthquake happen in New Zealand...

    there is no more peace in the world...

  2. hehe... you will have to wait for Teacher Chi Yang to translate.

    Yeah, earthquakes.
    Thank God, our church in Christchurch was not seriously affected. Just minor damage. No one was hurt.
