Thursday, December 31, 2009
After-Theolo; in Egypt
The 3-week Theological Camp is 5 days apart now.
It is easy to imagine and believe that the trained soldiers of the Camp have now been tuned to a "super-relaxed" mode. Probably, we have started to indulge ourselves in as much pleasurable things as we still can before school/college/work begin.
Our prayer time is certainly reduced and replaced by many other matters; worse still, replaced by our own laziness.
Well, gotta be aware of this myself: who am i to evaluate others' faith?
I am not apostle Paul, who has that sort of mighty authority and faith to write to criticize and condemn the believers. I am but a mischievous teen of age 17+.
Look at yourself, have you not forgotten the lessons of God's Words yourself?
Didn't you remember Eph 4:29 when you allowed unwholesome talk out your mouth in order to humor your friends? Didn't you remember Mat 7:3-5 before you had criticized your friend's faults behind his back?
To outsiders,
all these may sound like a pious but foolish and holy talk about God.
And perhaps wonder: Is there a need for you to be so religious? Religion is but a cornerstone to support one mentally, to have hope for peace amongst the human race.
But I have this to testify, and to remind,
that this God we are worshiping in True Jesus Church, can't be more real.
The downpour of the Holy Spirit totally condemns the Atheists(those who don't believe in God) of their self-professed righteousness(Psa 115:2-7).
I am afraid; I am afraid that this Friend who is supposed to be by my side always, might depart from me due to my weaknesses(Mat27:46).
For He is not just my God, but my Friend, my Father, and my source of miracles.
Since His existence is firmly recognized, then I ought to abide in His ways so He may abide in me, and finally grant me His Holy Spirit.
2Tim 2:21 Let's cleanse ourselves from the latter(2009), and be a noble instrument prepared for every good work.
5Thess5:17-18 and pray continually, give thanks to God in all circumstances.
For now, gotta go for another long adventure in Egypt. God bless us.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Study for God.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Mutual Exhortation 与大家共勉之
by Pr Ezekiel Chang in the Southern Region Spiritual Meeting (1Jan09).
Rev12:6The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
启12:6 妇人逃到旷野,神给她预备地方,养活她1260天。
Rev 12:14 that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.
启12:14 妇人飞到旷野,被养活一载二载半载。(一载=一年)
We are to cultivate our faith so we can fly away from water attack of the dragon. This signifies a process and time frame that take place for our faith to gradually grow and establish. Not something abrupt, but an accumulation day by day.
这意味着,我们的信仰是要慢慢来培养建立的…不是一载半载的事… 一天一天的累积的……
The dragon spawed water to overtake the woman from the back, there is absolutely no way to escape. Hence, this exalts us to pray even more fervently so that we are able to gain flight to dodge that attack.
Book of Revelation teaches of three mouths
- 龙口 = 世界的口 Of the Dragon which signifies the world
- 兽口 = 政治社会的口 Of the Beast which signifies the society
- 假先知的口 = 宗教的口 Of the False prophets which signifies the religions
While we are not on guard, these mouths will put us to a sentence of death.
In fact these mouths are more fearful than any calamities of the world.
We are to live a life just as that of the Israelites in the wilderness for 40 years.
A simple life in the wilderness with full dependence on God's leadership. (Deut8:2)
约柜就有3样东西3 Things in the Ark:
- Staff of Aaron - Authority and miracles of God (Numbers17:10)亚伦之杖 ~ 神的权柄 & 神迹。(民17:10)
- Manna - Grace of God (Exo16:33) 吗哪 ~ 神的恩典 (出16:33)
- Testimony - Word and Law of God(Exo25:16) 法版 ~ 神的话/神的律法(出25:16)
While in the wilderness, the Israelites had no worry about food and labor as there was manna falling from Heaven everyday. Yet, they grumbled against God even in times of peace like this. Similarly, as we now have a good career and financial support, a healthy body etc, these are all blessings of God. What then is there any dissatisfaction?
Jer2:2 records that God favoured His people in the desert.
As the people in the wilderness lived a simple life with a simple heart to rely on God,
just like little children.
Rev5:7-8 states of conditions of a christian life : Scroll prefigured as Bible, Harp as Hymns, and Golden bowls as Prayer.
(启5:7-8)书卷,琴,金炉 ~ 圣经,赞美诗,祷告。 这就是我们当有的信仰生活。
Go, Return to the Wilderness to Serve God!
6 I said, "Oh, that I had the wings of a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest-
7 I would flee far away
and stay in the desert;
8 I would hurry to my place of shelter,
far from the tempest and storm."
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
月神 Lunar Deity
Lunar Deity / Moon god
Since medieval times, there was a tendency for humans to adore and worship heavens and earth.
Worship of the Moon is, in fact, a common phenomenon in many parts of the world.
The Bible also has recordings of such worship (the goddess Artemis in Acts19:27).
Christian Viewpoints:
- Moon cast away darkness with light. (Psa136:9)
- The Moon reflects the light from the Sun, just as Christians live out the image of Christ.
- the Moon serves as a sign, date, season (Gen1:14;
The Moon is also the symbol of the Last Day where the Moon turns red (Joel2:31; Rev6:12)
- The moon mirrors the Might of God. It’s an instrument for praise by showing how minute we are.
- A Covenant of nature with God (Jer33:20) The order of nature(Jer31:35-36) Symbol of God’s forever love and faithfulness.
- Psa8:3 the moon is “appointed/ordained” by God in His beautiful will and unique significance.
- The moon helps in growth of certain crops.
- An idol of worship. Eg: Queen of Heaven=moon
- some believe the Moon has a mysterious ability to cause harm to living things mentally. (lunar-struck)
- An authority of Hades(Rev 12:1)
Spiritual Teachings:
As we lift up our eyes to observe God’s creation, we see how minute we are. (Psa8:3-4)
The Created are NOT to be worshiped (Deut4:19;17:3)
(Rev12:1 a woman clothed with the sun
The Coming of the Son of Man will destroy the sun, moon and all that are created. (Mat24:29)
(Psa72:5-7) The moon still shines, let’s cease every opportunity to worship; lest the moon turns red and there will be no time for regret.
We ought to shine for the Lord like the moon, and bring light to the people in the dark.
(Mat 5:14-16) Be the Light and Salt of the World.
- 月亮是管黑暗,发光照耀。黑夜时照亮暗道的光。 (诗136:9)
- 美丽的月亮。这月亮也指我们。月亮是反射太阳光的,相同的,我们也因该反映主的image。我们也当成为世上的光,照亮黑暗。
- 作为记号,节令,时期 (创1:14) {参考[西2:16]} 月亮是神给我们的记号,让我们知道时间。是神给我们一个正常的生活起居,正常的次序。 此外,月亮也是末日的记号 (珥2:31;启6:12)
- 月亮是要来赞美神的,它展现出神的伟大。每当我们看到它,就当知道自己是多么的渺小。(诗148:3)
- 月亮也是神与我们定的“自然之约”(耶33:20) 自然的定律(耶31:35-36)月亮表示着神的信实和慈爱,从古至今,没有改变过!神的话永不改变。
- 月亮乃神所Appointed/Ordained (诗8:3)"陈设 Ordained" 神创造的每一样东西都有它的意义。
- 月亮能够帮助某些农作物生产(申33:14)
- 偶像!(耶44:17)天后=Queen of Heaven 就是“月神”
- Lunar = 月亮 Lunatic = 神经失常 (太4:24)"癫痫 lunar-struck" = 被月亮打而变傻。据说月亮拥有神秘的力量,会伤害人。(诗121:6)
- 月亮=阴间的权威 (启12:1)这妇人就是教会,她践踏撒但,胜过黑暗的权势。 日时住工作,月时鬼工作。
- 当看见神伟大的创造,深知人的渺小(诗8:3-4)
- 受造之物,不应敬拜 (申4:19;17:3)
- (启12:1)披戴日头=公义。教会以公义为战衣,拥有权丙能胜过黑暗势力!
- 人子降临的时候,太阳月亮全部首造之物都会被毁灭!(太24:29)
- (诗72:5-7)我们当趁着月亮还在发光的时候,把握时机来敬拜神。等到月亮变成血红色时,后悔也来不及了...
- 我们应当像月亮一样,为主发光,照亮那些还在黑暗里行走的人。我们当成为世上的盐,世上的光。发光照在人前,叫人们看见我们的好行为,便将荣耀归给天上的神。(太:14-16)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Samaritan
A series of anxious knocking on the door forced Elder X to move away from his business
and to check out what the problem was outside his door.
The door swang open, Elder X went stunned.
A Japanese soldier laid in wait outside the door, behind him an army convoy.
A thought drove him to worry:
Tanah Melayu and Singapore were dominated by Japanese;
their ruthlessness had created both fear and hatred
in the Singaporeans and people of Tanah Melayu these recent years.
And why was this Jap soldier knocking on Eld X's door?
For money? For possessions? Or even his life?
The Jap soldier tried to communicate but his anxious words seemed to have fallen on only deaf ears, for he knew only Japanese, there was no way Eld X could understand him.
He fumbled in his pocket and took out a piece of paper,
wrote 2 Mandarin characters --- "Yi Yuan"(Hospital)
With a big effort to indicate his question, "Do you know where the hospital is?"
Eld X nodded, and immediately the Jap soldier dragged him into the vehicle and drove away.
Terrified, yet trying to appear as calm as possible, Eld X directed the way to Hospital.
Upon arriving, Eld X discovered that the Jap soldier carefully carried a severely injured Malaysian into the hospital(the soldier brought him all the way from Tanah Melayu to Singapore).
The Jap soldier saved the Malaysian's life.
In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho,
when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, l
eaving him half dead.
A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.
So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' (Lk10:)
this parable broke the incorrect perception between the two races stated in Jn4:9
"You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans. )
"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
the Japanese was the Samaritan to the Malaysian.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
“不 了,谢谢。哗哈哈~ 我做了个小调查,而现在我的心还可真欢喜!
摘至于“忘了我是谁” 圣灵月刊
Saturday, September 12, 2009
"Marry me, and I'll give you EVERYTHING" proposed Pharaoh
the Pharaoh suggested.
The little girl's delicate hands were in his dominion.
Deftly they both moved towards the grand balcony, made of gold.
"From the bottom of this palace, till as far as your eyes can see,"
He whispered to her ears,
"All the glamor, wealth, glory and everything in this land,
Pharaoh's countenance was shimmering in golden delight.
Her eyes were fixed on the Pharaoh's.
Seconds passed like an eternity.
Stunned, she remained speechless. Not because of his abrupt proposal,
but because she was just so dazzled by the alluring eyes of the handsome young Pharaoh.
The guardian angel of the girl was next to her,
faced paled by anxiety.
"No, don't! Say NO!" the angel nervously reminded her.
The girl made no response to the angel's calling.
Her heart was melted in the charm of the young Pharaoh,
her soul was devoured by all the gorgeous and beautiful things the Pharaoh could offer her.
A life of glamor, glory and wealth in Pharaoh's arms,
An eternity of Kingship with God in Heaven,
if you were her,
Which will you choose?
Friday, September 11, 2009
"Super Duper Real, dude" the devil affirms
The believers strode into the church one by one. Emerged before their eyes was a grand and beautiful church hall.
Then, the Guardian Angel noticed something out of the ordinary. A shadow. A weird shadow. Oh, goodness, it was the Devil! Why was the Devil so zealous in attending Sabbath now, huh?
"Hey, why are you here? The service's started," asked the angel
"I know I know, dude, let me in, if you don't mind." the Devil requested.
"WHAT? No. Please go away."
"Heyyo, I am not here to cause any havoc. Promised. Let me in."
"Super Duper real, dude."
The angel confirmed a three-time, then allowed the devil its entry. But surprisingly, the devil came back out just after a while, with a evil grin.
"Why so quick?"
"Oh, 'cause I've got enough of what I need to see."
"Don't wanna stay longer?"
"Nop. Thanks. Ha, 'cause after a short observation, my heart was soothed. As I looked, the sisters were bothered only about their make-up; some of the elderly were unable to focus on the sermon, but stayed disturbed by their Company businesses; Some in-charge seemed so hardworking and noting down notes, but as I approached, I saw only unpleasant comments about the sermon quality, this and that, bla bla... Well, there is still a minority who yearned for the Word, ... whatever, all I know is that most of them do not esteem spirituality."
"REAL??" astounded, the angel exclaimed aloud.
"Super Duper Real, dude! That's why I am all too pleased. See ya!"
Friday, September 4, 2009
藏在一根头发后面的爱 Love behind a single strand of Hair
I read this from and i find it very meaningful. Hope you are edified from this short article.
In the Bible, hair is mentioned over a hundred times. Who can forget the story of Samson’s mighty mane (Judg 13-15)? The tresses of the beloved captivated a king (Song 7:5). Mary wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair (Jn 12:3). Hair gives glory to those who possesses it (Prov 16:31, 20:29; 1 Cor 11:15).
Each person is born with approximately one hundred thousand hair follicles. Each follicle can produce up to twenty strands of hair in its lifetime. Most people shed between fifty and one hundred strands daily. Most of us barely register such hair loss.
Yet, most amazingly, God does. He has counted our hair one by one. 1, 2, 3 . . . 99,999, 100,000. A complete set. Like a collector contently reviewing the number of items that make up His valuable collection, God numbers the hairs upon our head.
Not only does He count them, He also protects them. “But not a hair of your head shall be lost”(Lk 21:18). When Daniel’s three friends were thrown into a burning furnace for refusing to worship the king, they became prime examples of God’s care:
So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire . . . the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed. (Dan 3:26, 27)
One strand of hair reveals God’s immense, immeasurable love for us. If the almighty Master and Creator of the universe cares about one of the most easily overlooked components of our body, just imagine how much He must care for our whole being!
Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. (Lk 12:6, 7)
When we are tired, lonely, lost, frustrated, or despondent, let us consider our hair. Let us remember that God’s love extends down to a single strand, and is more than enough to help us move forward and upward.
therefore, love your hair and protect its image.
藏在一根头发后面的爱 Chinese version我在 读到这篇作文,我觉得很有意义。希望你能从中得益。
(路12:7) 就是你们的头发也都被数过了。
在圣经里,头发出现了数百次。谁能忘了参孙之长发的故事呢(士13:15)? 还有那系住王心的发绺(雅歌7:5);用自己的头发抹耶稣的脚的马利亚(约12:3); 头发给那拥有它的尊荣荣耀(言16:31,20:29; 林前11:15)
不过,非常奇妙的,神这样做。神一根一根的数算我们的头发。 1, 2, 3 . . . 99,999, 100,000. 一个完美的组合。就像一个收藏家心满意足的查看那成为他昂贵收藏品的东西,神数算我们头上的头发。
Monday, August 31, 2009
患难 Tribulations
I am not sure if you guys have heard from the elderly, that life is bound to experience prosecutions. If there is any life without tribulations, perhaps that’s God’s special blessing.
I think…
Trials and tribulations ain’t all that bad…
God’s love still stays by your side every second but you’d just need to make an effort to even realize that.
Because there are persecutions, the foolish will see the salvation and the great love of God.
When you encounter trials, you’ve gotta believe in God.
For God is almighty and He will certainly help you.
Many in the world today lead luxurious lives,
which, to some, are admirably wonderful because they’ve attained a stress-free life.
But in reality, they are constantly living in fear and anxiety of getting kidnapped, robbed, killed and etc…
When problems arise, we should be able to lead these people to Jesus, for it is the best help that they can possibly receive!
A wealthy life, without Jesus, is a poor life.
In a life so rich and peaceful, they do not see their real needs.
In a life with no tribulations, they do not see the love of God, and they will continue in being spiritually impoverished.
In an era accompanied by impressive advancement of science and technology,
Human morale, on the other hand, is decreasing to such grave depravity.
Looking at my friends in school, I truly sympathized them for having their conscience buried.
I am angry with myself for failing to bring them to Jesus.
Some are striving to draw close to Jesus,
while some friends in the church have left Jesus.
I am a failure, because I failed to keep them in Jesus. Often I wished that trials may come upon them so that they once again see the great love of God.
I am weak, lazy and never even tried harder! I am sorry for God.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
one of the parable of Jesus in Luke chp 5
5:36And he said to them, in a story, No man takes a bit of cloth from a new coat and puts it on to an old coat, for so the new coat would be damaged and the bit from the new would not go well with the old.
5:37And no man puts new wine into old wine-skins, for fear that the skins will be burst by the new wine, and the wine be let out, and the skins come to destruction.
5:38But new wine has to be put into new wine-skins.
5:39And no man, having had old wine, has any desire for new, for he says, The old is better.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Let's pray The Lord's Prayer
Thursday, August 6, 2009
路加福音 The Gospel of Luke
A. 圣灵的工作 (1:15,35,67;2:25-27;3:16,22;4:1,14;11:13;12:12)
B. 耶稣个人祷告 (8次—3:21;5:16;6:12;9:18,28;11:1;22:44-48)
2。降生的宣告 (1:5~2:52)
3。向犹太人显明 (3:1~4:15)
4。传道工作 (4:16~9:50)
5。十字架道路 (9:51~21:38)
- 往耶路撒冷 (9:51; 13:22; 17:11; 18:31; 19:1,11,28)
- 进入圣殿 (19:45)
6。受苦牺牲 (22:1~23:56)
- 逾越节 (22:1,7)
- 审判受苦 (22:42~23:56)
7。复活 (24:1~24:53)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Apologetics Episode 5 Christmas is not for Christians
the word 'Christmas' cannot be found in the Holy Bible.
3 ) Nobody knows the exact date of the Lord Jesus Christ's birthday.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 states, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Apologetics Episode 4 Baptism
After those who were to receive baptism changed into white robes, they began to walk into the sea one by one. The baptist, Pastor Chen, was holding a brand new white towel without any sign of red ink in his hands. As the first sister began to be baptized, the seawater around her suddenly changed into a deep shade of red.
Were my eyes playing tricks on me? The rest of the ocean appeared a deep turquoise blue against the vast blue sky. How strange--how was it that only the waters surrounding the baptized remained crimson red?
I rubbed my eyes and watched intently as the second, third, and succeeding persons were baptized. Remarkably, this vision continued just the same. Even funnier still, when an infant was immersed in the sea, the color turned into a lighter shade of red. It then immediately changed back to deep red when it was the adults' turn. After the fourteenth person was baptized, the crimson color disappeared and the water was restored to its former turquoise blue.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The True Church
Do we need to go to church to obtain Salvation?
yes, we sure do. Because:
The church is the Bride of Jesus
The relationship between God and us is described as a couple, a bride and her bridegroom. Jesus is, of course, the Bridegroom, and we, (both guys and girls, Haha) are the Bride.and this "we" refers to the Church. The Church is the Bride of Jesus.
Eph5:24-25,32; Rev 19:7,9
The church is the House of Jesus
a) possession of the Truth (1Tim3:15)
b) possession of miracles (Mk16:20)
c) possession of the Holy Spirit (Rom8:9, Eph1:13)
the church that obeys completely the Words of God.
The True Jesus Church, therefore, is not a false church,
to allow Jesus to come into our hearts,
and bless us
and protect us
and make us His children,
to receive the Greatest gift in all the worlds,
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Mark 9:24
The father instantly cried out,"I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!"
This is one of the verses in Mark that I find very interesting. It's something that I can't fully understand but I can somehow relate to. The father referred to here is the father of a demon possessed child that though after many exorcisms couldn't be cured. Jesus' followers tried and failed even. Soon, they asked for Jesus himself to expel the demon but before doing so, he chided them. The father's reply to the chide was such.
Many a time in our life we may find that, oh right, I do believe in Jesus. We say we have faith but, do we really? Deep down we all have doubts, and technically speaking, how can you have faith if you have doubts? Yet somehow it still happens. This man however [completely my point of view, hoping anyone would correct if possible] was aware of this, and at that moment, he seized the opportunity to ask Jesus to help him overcome his doubts.
But, I'm also wondering... the father said he believed right? So how can there be unbelief in his heart? (comments would be appreciated)