Friday, July 31, 2009

The True Church

Do we need to go to church to obtain Salvation?

yes, we sure do. Because:

The church is the Bride of Jesus

The relationship between God and us is described as a couple, a bride and her bridegroom. Jesus is, of course, the Bridegroom, and we, (both guys and girls, Haha) are the Bride.and this "we" refers to the Church. The Church is the Bride of Jesus.

Eph5:24-25,32; Rev 19:7,9

The church is the House of Jesus

Those who don't belong to this House of Jesus, how are they to belong to the Home above?
1Tim3:15, Eph2:17-19
The church is the Kingdom of God
the Kingdom of God is only for her residents, the people that belong there.
In other words, those who don't belong there, don't have a residence in there.
The church is the Stairway to Kingdom of Heaven
Gen28:12-17, Jn 1:51, Eph 1: 22-23
Going to church on Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments
Since Sabbath Day is to be kept holy, and stated in the Ten Commandments,
who are we to dare go against it?
Let's be meek and always attend Sabbath Services,
For the Father is surely awaiting there in church to bless us.

Requirements that a True Church should satisfy:
a) possession of the Truth (1Tim3:15)
b) possession of miracles (Mk16:20)
c) possession of the Holy Spirit (Rom8:9, Eph1:13)

One God, one Truth, One Church, One Baptism, One Vine, One Body, One Bride...
All these contribute to the One church that Jesus acknowledges,
the church that obeys completely the Words of God.
Her doctrines are in full accordance with the Bible.
The True Jesus Church, therefore, is not a false church,
she offers 100% assurance of one's path to take to enter Salvation,
for the church has fulfilled all the 3 requirements stated above.

21"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Let's begin to make a change in our life,
to allow Jesus to come into our hearts,

and bless us
and protect us
and make us His children,
to receive the Greatest gift in all the worlds,

Our inheritance in Heaven
God bless.

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